Spring is here and the garden has been the focus of most of our activity.
A peek in the greenhouse:
Early tomatoes, potatoes in a grow bag experiments and the seedling centre. Oh and check out my new path.
The rest of the plot:
- We have added muck and compost to the raised beds and already planted out onions and some more garlic to add to the autumn sown.
- The leeks are coming to the end now but after a dodgy start have been great. Winter veg did well despite having a caterpillar attack when we were in New Zealand.
- I made a mistake with the butternut squash as I planted them in one of the beds without muck! Luckily our neighbour had a bumper crop and has kept us supplied and we have lots of soup in the freezer.
- Autumn sown broad beans were a bit put out by the unusually mild autumn and then a severe storm but they have rallied and it looks like we should have a good crop.
- The spring sown broad beans are coming up well.
- The chard has been the star of the show and I still have a few plants giving us a crop.
- The potato in a bag experiment continues outside and we have also planted potatoes in two beds - we'll let you know the results.
- Seed sowing is in full swing in the greenhouse and the newly positioned cold frame.
The lily pond
We have cleaned out the pond - a major task as it had been neglected for so many years. There was a lot of mud to pump out and then we had to deal with the forest of water lilies.
We gave a lot away but ave put three back and also added a new lotus lily that the children gave me for my birthday.
We made an ornamental grass garden at the end of the lily pond and have plans for a rockery at the other end with some kind of water feature. Sadly we said goodbye to the Massey Ferguson 165.
The flower beds that we created last year are coming into their own and we have made a new one along the north wall of the barn.
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So busy, busy, busy. It's lovely being back outside again and seeing the gardens looking cared for and not a building site!
We had our first apero on the terrace - a sign of happy days to come. Perhaps you'll drop round for one this summer!
A bientôt.