Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

We wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year.  We will be moving into our new home this year ( not sure when yet) so that is very exciting.

The New Year can be celebrated here up to the end of January and the traditional offering is Galettes des Rois - King's cake - read about it here. We had our first taste on Friday when we had a meal with our friends from the Kiwanis club. Kevin found one of the féves in the form of a vintage 2CV and was King for the evening.

Festivities 2012

We hope you all enjoyed your celebrations this year. Although we miss our family we knew they were all having a great time and we will have them here when the weather is good. I'll be getting my family fix at the end of the month. We are so grateful to our friends who have let us use their house this winter. It meant that we could celebrate Christmas and New year with good friends
Our friend Sandie helping Kevin in the kitchen

Table ready for Christmas dinner

 In the potager

There's not much to do in the veg garden at the moment as it's very wet down there. I am still processing the fruits of our labours from last year though and yesterday I had a marathon butternut squash soup session.  I add a little curry - yum.

The potager isn't idle though. The broad beans I sowed in October are all coming along well and the garlic is poking through and I am busy planning for the springtime when it all starts off again. Nothing compares to the tastes and colours of home grown food.


At the Ruin 

Work carried on all through December and picked up again straight away in January. It has been difficult at the ruin as the place is a sea of mud not helped by being churned up by lorries etc. and wellies have been the order of the day. The house is looking great though and we are very pleased that so much of the original building has been preserved. Check out the slideshow to see what's been going on.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

Signs of Spring

The days are getting longer, there are signs of Spring already - the hazel catkins seem to have appeared overnight and the orchards are looking wonderful. It's hard to imagine at the moment but soon we'll be back out in the garden enjoying the sun - but we will.

Bonne Année

A la prochaine.


Kathy said...

Really wonderful to see those photos Enid. It really was a ruin wasn't it! Great to see it taking shape, might be able to happen down there again one of these days, it looks like you have clear blue skies every day :)

Kathy x

Enid said...

it's starting to take shape - you know you are always welcome here

Little Nell said...

It's good to see the progress. We have Three Kings Celebrations here too.

Enid said...

Do you have the same sort of cake with the favours in?