Friday, May 19, 2017

Géneration Mouvement - Le Club du Val de la Canaule

Ever since we came to Labretonie 15 years ago we have supported the activities of the club of the third age. I joined the Monday afternoon gym sessions and several years ago, after a week of training, qualified to run the sessions. We have also helped out some years at the annual variety show, been on outings and enjoyed the annual meal.

Since last September we have taken on a more active role as the club found itself without a president, secretary or treasurer. The club was in the doldrums but we got ourselves going again and Kevin and I took on the roles of secretary and treasurer after the AGM in November. Having a responsibility does involve work from time to time but it is worth it to see the pleasure that the activities bring. Our most recent event was the annual Gala.

A show of songs, sketches, jokes, mime and music.

The oldest members of our club usually sing in the choir but failing eyesight meant they couldn't get to all the rehearsals. We all agreed it wouldn't be a gala without them so we invited them to sing their customary duo and stay on stage for the last two songs. I remember them telling me how important music had been in their lives and how when they were young they relaxed by the fireside in the evenings singing folk songs. A delightful couple.

Alice and Eugène sing one of their old favourites

We had fun during the rehearsals and during the performance and we had great feedback from our appreciative audience. They all joined in as we sang Viva Espana and on the club's very own special song 'La Canaule'. Bravo all the artists - you did brilliantly.

A chance to catch up with old friends

A celebratory meal for the artists and the helpers

Our next event will be on the 11th June when we all meet at a local restaurant to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the club. One of the founders is our neighbour who turned 90 last week - we took her and another of the hardworking members of the club out to afternoon tea to celebrate.

Claudette and Reine enjoying an English afternoon tea - they had a doggy bag to take home too.

A bientôt

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